Alliance with Medical University of South Carolina

July 16, 2021 – When they learned of Jubilee’s efforts to re-open a free medical clinic in Ridgeland for uninsured individuals, the Medical University of South Carolina donated a telemedicine cart to the facility. This is an advanced piece of technology that combines computer, cameras, speakers, screen, and special software that will allow patients in Ridgeland to consult with specialized doctors throughout the Medical University’s statewide network.

Jubilee funds will also be used to buy additional instruments like hand-held scopes and ultrasound devices that can be used with the MUSC cart. This is the first telemed device the Bluffton-Jasper Volunteers in Medicine chapter has ever owned, and will allow the medical charity to expand into whole new specialties, regions, and patient populations.


Fresh Education Options for Local Families


Public-Awareness Campaign