Jubilee Co-operative Preschool Now Accepting Applications

April 29, 2022 — An innovative preschool designed to help children ages 3-5 bloom is opening in Jasper County this fall.

The Jubilee Co-operative Preschool offers a special program: Lots of outdoor time. An emphasis on reading. Stimulating music. Martial arts instruction. Educational hand crafts. Nature study. Character and kindness training. Resources for you at home. And more.

Working very closely with parents, the preschool’s goals are to help young children love learning, and prepare them to thrive in elementary school.

The Jubilee Co-operative Preschool will start classes on September 6 in newly renovated space provided by Red Dam Church, just northeast of Hardeeville. Family and child orientation will begin in late August.

Thanks to support from the Jubilee Community Partnership, the preschool will charge tuition based on family income. Sign-ups are under way.

Details on the school’s operation can be viewed at JBPreschool.org.


Preschool Profiled in Newspaper


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