Antioch Express Bus Service

November 5, 2021 – Jasper County suffers from a serious geographical mismatch. Most of the region’s entry-level jobs are located up to an hour, or more, to the east and south. Meanwhile the area’s most affordable housing is located in the west and north. The result is long commutes for many moderate-wage workers.

As one new contribution to public-transport options for local workers, the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry recently provided support to Ridgeland’s Antioch Educational Center to allow the purchase of several 23-passenger buses for transporting workers to jobs in Hilton Head and Bluffton. As Antioch hired drivers and established the first routes of the Antioch Express, the Jubilee Community Partnership recently offered a logistical grant.

During the first months of the new service, all rides were free. With income verification, some users continue to ride free, while others are charged modest fares.


Agape Family Life Center