Agape Family Life Center

December 8, 2021 – In December, the Jubilee Community Partnership paid a visit to the Agape Family Life Center, a prominent neighborhood charity associated with the Greater Pentecostal Temple, located in the Levy area of Jasper County.

Agape provides a range of community services:

• after-school care and recreation for children age PK-5
• adult-education and GED classes
• a food pantry that opens twice per week
• exercise and wellness facilities
• summer camps for children

Despite the disruptions of COVID, the Family Life Center has continued nearly all of its programming, sometimes in creative new forms to cope with the virus.

Director Ponchitta Young noted during our visit that one area where the center is facing new demands is mental health. Perhaps related to the isolation and strains of the pandemic era, increased numbers of persons in apparent need of psychological and counseling referrals are being noted.

The Jasper Community Partnership is pleased to support Agape’s many contributions to local life.


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