Big News! We Have Some Exciting Announcements.

January 31, 2022 – The Jubilee Community Partnership has officially asked the State of South Carolina to approve a Jubilee Charter School to open in Jasper County. We expect a verdict in the next few months.

If the state approves, the school will open in Fall 2023 with two grades—4-year-old PreK, and Kindergarten—then add one higher grade every year until the school extends all the way to high school graduation.

Our charter school will be a zero-tuition, open-admission, public school. It will launch in an interim space while we build a brand-new campus in Jasper County near the Beaufort County border. Students from anywhere in the region will be eligible to enroll.

And right next to the charter school we’ll operate a very special preschool. It will serve 2-, 3-, and 4-year-olds, offering wholesome play and instruction that will get the children prepared to thrive on a high-achieving elementary campus. Thanks to philanthropic support, the preschool will offer subsidized tuition on an income-based sliding scale.

Stay tuned for updates as we hear back from the SC Department of Education.

Meanwhile, you can read the Executive Summary of our charter-school application to the state here.


We’re Hiring Superb Preschool Teachers


Expanding Language Training and Job Assistance