Jasper Charitable Alliance
April 30, 2021 – The Jasper Charitable Alliance is a roundtable of about 60 entities that provide social services to needy clients in Jasper County, South Carolina. In regular quarterly gatherings, members of the network discuss best practices, share local intelligence, and pursue professional-development opportunities.
Until now the group has operated solely on volunteer time and resources donated by public-spirited but busy managers from participating service providers.
To encourage wider collaboration among regional nonprofits and improve the quality of services in Jasper County, the Jubilee Community Partnership recently acted to bring additional leadership to the Alliance.
Working with Jawanda McNair and Pam Toney (the two local social-service CEOs whose energetic contributions created the organization) and Fred Leyda (leader of the Beaufort Human Services Alliance which fills a similar role in Beaufort County), Jubilee is strengthening and expanding the Jasper Charitable Alliance.
The Jubilee Community Partnership is providing financial support, in-kind aid, and training that will allow Ricardo Perry—program director of Real Champions (a Ridgeland-based deep mentoring program for local children)—to devote several hours per week to organizing, communications, and follow-through that will make the Jasper Charitable Alliance even more helpful to its members. He will help arrange guest speakers, orchestrate meetings, create a website and member directory, and incorporate the network as an IRS-registered 501(c)(3).
These enhancements of the Jasper Charitable Alliance will strengthen local charities, encourage their cooperative efforts, and help the donors who fund regional philanthropy identify the organizations who are leading cooperative problem-solving in the county.