Bluffton-Jasper Volunteers in Medicine
March 30, 2021 – Jubilee Community Partnership recently offered major support to Volunteers in Medicine to re-open their Ridgeland medical clinic for several days a week to care for needy patients. Volunteers in Medicine of Bluffton and Jasper provides approximately 6,000 medical visits every year, at no cost to the patient. Professional staff include 17 physicians, 18 nurses, 2 psychologists, an eye doctor, a dentist, and a pharmacist. Collectively these devoted volunteers offer more than $3 million of free medical services, and fill over 7,000 annual prescriptions worth another $1.2 million.
Due to covid-related disruption of volunteer availability and other factors, VIM’s Jasper County clinic has been mostly shuttered since the pandemic arrived. Needy patients have had to journey out of county, or go without care. With this new support from the Jubilee Community Partnership, the Ridgeland clinic located at 11332 North Jacob Smart Boulevard will be able to treat medical needs four days per week, starting July 1: Monday through Thursday, 8:30 – 4:00.
All care will be delivered to patients with economic need at zero cost to them. Services available will include not only general medical care but also cardiology, gynecology, opthalmology, dentistry, obstetrics and prenatal care, and more. The clinic can be reached at 843-706-7090 or 843-706-7078.