Expanding Language Training and Job Assistance
A talented bilingual staff organizer, Genesis Gonzalez, was hired with a Jubilee grant. She and her charitable compatriots organized a new suite of free economic and educational services in the computer lab of the Hardeeville Library.

More Deep Mentoring for Children
Real Champions is a 501c3 that has brought a deep-mentoring model to South Carolina children for the first time. This involves carefully selecting at-risk youngsters and providing them with 2-4 hours of individualized weekly mentoring and educational support.

Community Health Visitors
In Jasper County, the institutional host for the community health workers deployed to Hispanic families by the PASOs program is BJH Comp Health. From offices at Comp Health, these traveling aides visit households to dispense help on a wide range of family, health, and educational issues.

Free Medical Services in 2022
A productive partnership with the Beaufort-Jasper Volunteers in Medicine 501c3 will make free medical care available in Jasper County throughout 2022.

Prenatal Care
2021 saw re-establishment of free prenatal health services and Ob/Gyn care for women in Jasper County. Thanks to a grant from the Jubilee Community Partnership, these are offered by the Pregnancy Center of the Lowcountry through the Ridgeland clinic located on Jacob Smart Boulevard.

Hispanic Family Services at First Steps
The Jubilee Community Partnership recently offered renewed support to Beaufort County First Steps for their 2022 programming. This nonprofit provides a range of child-care, health, educational, and family services.

Agape Family Life Center
In December, the Jubilee Community Partnership paid a visit to the Agape Family Life Center, a prominent neighborhood charity associated with the Greater Pentecostal Temple, located in the Levy area of Jasper County.

Antioch Express Bus Service
Jasper County suffers from a serious geographical mismatch. Most of the region’s entry-level jobs are located up to an hour, or more, to the east and south. Meanwhile the area’s most affordable housing is located in the west and north. The result is long commutes for many moderate-wage workers.